Kentucky Christian offers Blakley

Jul. 16, 2018 by

Congratulations to 2019 SF Jenna Blakley for earning an offer from Kentucky Christian University!

USJN Summer Premier Pool All-Stars

Jul. 9, 2018 by

Congratulations to Brooke Andrus, Jenna Blakley, Jackie Maulucci, Lauren Morris, Bailee Poore, Lindsey Syrek, and Cameron Tabor for making their respective pool all-star teams. You can see them and the

New Castle Guard Picks Davidson

Jul. 4, 2018 by

2019 Indiana Junior All Star Cameron Tabor has committed to Davidson University. Congratulations to Cameron, her family, and town of New Castle.

Syrek Speaks Princeton Camp & July

Jul. 4, 2018 by

University High School 2020 Foward Lindsey Syrek speaks on elite camps and July evaluation period. IM: You just got done attending Princeton’s Elite camp. Tell us about that experience? LS:

Lauren Morris Talks July Eval Period

Jul. 4, 2018 by

2020 PG of Hamilton Southeastern tells us her expectations of the July eval period, high school ball, and locking up on defense. IM: How have you been playing this summer

McGuire Talks Summer, High School Ball and Favorite Concert

Jul. 4, 2018 by

University High School forward Jhordan McGuire talks about her summer, upcoming high school season, camps, and favorite concerts. IM: How has the summer been going with your high school team?

USJN Hoops In the Heartland All Stars

Jul. 4, 2018 by

Congrats to our ladies for being named USJN Pool All StarsCam Tabor (New Castle) Lindsey Syrek (University) Brooke Andrus (University) Jhordan McGuire (University) Lauren Morris (HSE) Kate Clarke (Carmel) Alainna

Coach Vicki Hall and Indiana State Offers Tabor

Jul. 4, 2018 by

2019 Junior All Star Cameron Tabor was offered a scholarship by new Indiana State University head Coach Vicki Hall on 4/8/2018.

IUPUI Extends Offer to 6′ 2″ PF – Syrek

Jul. 4, 2018 by

2020 Forward of University High School has earned a scholarship offer from Coach Austin Parkinson and IUPUI on 4/7/2018

Tryout Registration Now Open!

Jul. 2, 2018 by